
All These Things That I Love - 2016 Gift Guide Edition

Murphy is very tired from 2016.

Murphy is very tired from 2016.

Most of us feel a little worn out, huh?

No matter what side you were on, I think we're all exhausted from a long, nasty election cycle. Many people are hurt, confused, scared. I'm doing a lot of praying these days. Last Sunday, my pastor said some stuff and I'm sort of stealing the gist of it for this post.

Love each other like lambs so that tomorrow we may be warriors.

It went along with what I was feeling as we rolled into December. I had this cautious optimism creeping back into my bones. Mostly because we're all here together.  November (hell, all of 2016) was rough, but we can still fight together and laugh together.

obama + biden= 4eva

obama + biden= 4eva

I have faith in us. Because we're a people who can make up really great memes. But we still need to take care of each other's hearts. With simple comforts. So here are some simple things I'm loving, that maybe people in your life would get some joy from.

Yeti highball

There's a good chance this is tea.

There's a good chance this is tea.

I mentioned the Yeti before but this is the one I use in the winter for tea.  It keeps it at a perfect temperature while I'm running around town and also confuses the other moms in carpool line who think I'm drinking booze.

Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm.



There's a really long story about how I first bought this lip balm in Paris. But I rebuy it on Amazon (in stick and pot form) to luxe up a basic necessity. I keep the pot next to my computer and sometimes I dab it on my dry cuticles, too.  Because cuticles need French love, too.

You know what makes everyone feel good? A really awesome hardcover book.  For me, I'd love a classic that feels like an old friend who makes my heart sing.







There's also alternative gift giving. My heart is always with women, children and families and so those are the causes that I support. Environmental, health and animal causes are also in need. The organizations I'm supporting this year are:

Ronald McDonald House - I give to the one in Houston, because that's the one that helped my family when my nephew was in the hospital, but you can give to your local house. You can call to see if they need other items - like toilet paper, soap or a homecooked meal!

Planned Parenthood - because all women of all income levels deserve health care

Fisher House - like Ronald McDonald Houses, this organization provides housing for military families to be close to loved ones during their medical treatments


Clinton Foundation - I supported this organization long before it was a hot button topic this year because it is consistently a leader in initiatives that help girls, women and education around the world.

Heifer International in Haiti - the recent hurricane wiped out a lot of the progress that the country has seen in the past five years. Help them restock with goats and hens, small livestock that can feed families for years.

Basically, take care of yourselves. Take care of each other. That's pretty much all we ever need to do. And why I'm leaving you with this gift. My favoritest Christmas music video. Turn it up. Sing along with someone you love.  See you in 2017.


All These Things That I Love - August 2016

A monthly round up of fabulous things that give me life

I'm obsessed... (5)

I'm obsessed... (5)

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This month is all about the planner lifestyle. Alexandra Haughton and I decided to reinvent our

Get it Together Hop

and turn it into the #ReadWritePlan challenge on





Every day is a new round of delicious peeks into the author/planner community's planning life. We're having so much fun sharing our favorites and Alexandra and I have a giveaway here:



I'm obsessed... (6)

I'm obsessed... (6)

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photo4 (1)

This summer I've converted to Japanese sunscreen. I've read blogs and


on the superior sun protection of these products and I when I used up the last bottle of good ol' American sunscreen (that my dermatologist recommended), I ordered two varieties that had near universal acclaim:

Biore UV Perfect Milk SPF 50


Biore UV Watery Essence


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So far, so good. I love the lightweight, non greasy feel of these, they don't make me break out and I haven't gotten a sunburn!

I'm obsessed... (3)

I'm obsessed... (3)

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photo2 (1)

Last summer I started seeing other soccer parents with these giant silver cups. Were they worth the price, I asked? They hold ice all day! I was told. They keep coffee hot all day! they said.

Well, in the thousand degree temperatures that Texas has been experiencing, I don't much care about coffee staying hot, but I can say that ice will stay solid in a

Yeti tumbler

for 12 hours, which is a freaking miracle here on the sun (Texas). It's a delight to stay hydrated with ice cold water (and maybe a slice of lemon) (or maybe an extra large gimlet.)

I got my Yeti cups as a gift, but my friend

Alexis Anne

 says the

Ozark brand from Walmart

are just as effective.

I'm obsessed... (2)

I'm obsessed... (2)



This is one of the albums I've had on repeat the past few months. The more I listen to it, the better it gets and it's really good turned way up in the car.

If you have

Amazon Prime

 you can listen to the whole album or check out (one of) out my favorite song(s)



I'm obsessed... (1)

I'm obsessed... (1)

hard knocks

hard knocks

Okay, it premieres tomorrow but I *will* be watching Hard Knocks on HBO. People are always a little surprised that I love a  reality show about football training camp, but if you love sports romance, you have to enjoy the behind the scenes drama. Last year's season featuring the Houston Texans inspired me to write a whole book!

If you watch Hard Knocks, I'd love to talk football and sports romance on




or down below in the comments. Or let me know if you're a planner addict or if you have Asian skin care recommendations!