Alexis Anne

Best Books to Read Now: June 2017

Reminder/ Caveat/ Disclaimer: This is my (hopefully) monthly list of books I’ve read and enjoyed. These are not reviews, I do not include books I didn’t enjoy because life is too short to speak badly of books!

Let's jump in, shall we?

Summer Heat by Alexis Anne

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A hot steamy romance with baseball?  Um, yes. There's just something about summer nights and guys in tight white pants. Fans of Alexis Anne will be thrilled with this new story in her Storm Inside world, and past characters come back!  Whee!

White Hot by Ilona Andrews

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I've waited for this book for what, 2, 3 years? Of course I took a day off to read it. I've recommended the first book in the series, Burn For Me, here and it's still on sale for $2.99.  The third book in the series is releasing in August and yes, it's that good. I've converted a number of peeps into fans, so if you're jumping on the train, let me know so we can gush together.

It Happened on Love Street by Lia Riley

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I'm going to be honest. I read the first five pages of this book and texted a writer friend: "I hate Lia Riley so much."  I don't really hate Lia because she's sweet and awesome and writes incredibly real, funny, sexy books that inspire envy and low-self-esteem in other authors (me.)  This book is Kristan Higgins-esque set in a small Georgia town that's like Bluebell, Alabama (from Hart of Dixie) mixed with Stars Hollow. Read it and bask in the sexy adorableness.

You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero


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This was the inaugural #HBICNation book club pick (read more about HBIC Nation here) and I really enjoyed it! I can't wait to talk about the mindset of wealth with the other HBICs. If you're a creative entrepreneur who identifies as an HBIC, check out our Facebook group and join the party (and book club.)

Make sure you're signed up for my newsletter [here] to get all the latest news about books, appearances and sales AND my monthly round up and giveaway!!

baby book

As always, I'd love to hear what books you've been reading and loving lately! Comment below!

Best Books to Read Now - November 2016

Reminder/ Caveat/ Disclaimer: This is my (hopefully) monthly list of books I’ve read and enjoyed. These are not reviews, I do not include books I didn’t enjoy because life is too short to speak badly of books!

Can I talk for one sec about that ^^ above? Some observant readers might notice that I didn't post this blog in October. The reason? DNF's - books I did not finish - and books that I couldn't really recommend to a friend.  And I get a physical ache talking about this because... I want every book to be something I can share and be giddy over. But... alas, I have a string of  half-finished novels in my Kindle and a bunch of texts to friends about "this book is so stupid, it makes me want to bang my head against a brick wall."  You know the ones.

BUT. I am happy to report that I finally finished four books worthy of the title Best Books to Read Now.  Ready? Here we go.

Hidden by Kendra Elliot



In July, I had the opportunity to participate in the RWA Literacy Signing and there I had the pleasure of sitting next to the lovely Kendra Elliot.  I got to see her adoring fans and meet her gregarious husband and she was very sweet to me, the newbie.  I finally got to read the first of her Bone Secrets  romantic suspense series, Hidden, and it was quite the page turner.  I can't wait to keep reading the rest of the series!

The Earl - by Katharine Ashe



Regular readers of this blog will note that I have become a serious Katharine Ashe fan girl. If you love Scotland, and the beautiful scenery of Outlander, I recommend this historical romance that tells the story of a lady and an earl on a trip through nineteenth century Scotland.   The Earl is part of a continuing series and the start of a new series I believe but I enjoyed it without  reading the rest.

Named of the Dragon by Susanna Kearsley



I'm not going to lie. I kinda sorta thought there would be a dragon in this book.   I don't know why. It's not like (the always amaze-balls) Susanna Kearsley is known for her dragon shapeshifters but...what can I say, these days dragons are a thing. I'm not saying I was disappointed - of course not! -especially when the book seamlessly weaves together a modern day mystery (y'all know I love a mystery!), Arthurian legend, Tudor history, a Rosamunde Pilcher-esque holiday house party and a sexy rural Welsh playwright.   I highly recommend Named of the Dragon as a perfect cozy comfort read during the holidays.

Six Dirty Secrets - by Alexis Anne



My friend Alexis Anne has just released her latest, 6 Dirty Secrets and it is so fun, hot, creative and pure escapism.  Yes, it's number 6 in a series, but the series is more like connected characters - you don't have to read the first five to read this one (although you'll want to!)

So... November hit and a big hit of HOLIDAY CHEER smacked me upside the face.




And I thought, I want to spread more holiday cheer across the land!  I'm doing a RANDOM GRAB BAG GIVEAWAY here.  Three winners will receive a wrapped holiday gift during December. There will be books. There will be treats and swag and surprises!



My newsletter subscribers will also get a separate chance to enter, so make sure you're signed up here.  I've been planning 2017 already and tons of things are percolating and my newsletter subscribers will get all the news and deals and bonuses first.

I'm not sure I'll post a Best Books to Read Now in December... I have a stack of nonfiction and cozy mysteries I've been saving to devour during the holidays. Keep in touch on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

RWA16 Roundup - Mystery, Magic and Girl Crushes


Editors often suggest that a writer should start her story with a hook, or an inciting incident, or, in the case of a mystery, a body.

So here you go.



That is a man in white boxer briefs, standing on a San Diego bar with motorcycle gloves and a helmet covering his, um, steering column.

Chapter One - the Setting

This was my third RWA National Conference to attend and, like the first two, it did not disappoint. Also, like the first two, it defied my expectations. San Diego was better than I expected it would be - the sun, breeze, coastal temperature put everyone (okay, me) in a happy mood. The city is walkable, has tons of attractions and restaurants and our hotel, the Marriott Marquis Marina was an outstanding place for a conference.  It was large, clean, the staff and service were impeccable and there were so many chairs and places to meet friends and colleagues.

Chapter Two - the Introduction of the Heroine

I've discussed in my previous blog posts about RWA Nationals (here and here) that there are always unexpected surprises that occur at the conference so this year, I came prepared.  I came to conference open to whatever magic might be brewing. As I told someone on my last day, I may not learn what I want, but I learn what I need. This year the standouts were Beverly Jenkins' keynote, getting to watch Love Between the Covers again (which is now available on iTunes and Amazon - go NOW and watch this uplifting documentary about friendship, self-determination and making dreams come true) and an amaze-balls two hour creativity workshop that I'm still working through, brought to us by Lori Wilde and the Indra's Grace yoga crew from "back home" in Texas.  I also got some great tips from Rachel Hollis on social media which was pretty cool since she's sort of awesome at all the platforms.

I signed at the Readers for Life literacy signing and at the Avon book signing where I was happy to just be in the same room with that amazing group of writers, and I gave out my buttons to readers, to librarians, to people I made a personal connection with.  I thought long and hard about what my swag should say this year and in the end, I just wanted to spread a positive message about the thing that we all love so much.



It was so fun to watch people's faces go from "oh yeah, I'll take your crappy pin" to "Man, I need this" or "This is awesome."  It made my day and I hope it lifted them a little too.

Chapter Three - the Heroine Finds True Love

Warning - this chapter contains explicit fangirling which may offend those readers who aren't awesome and don't have friends. Or hearts.

The best best best part of any conference, but this one in particular, was my girls. The women who preached from the stage, the ones who listened to me debate minute career decisions while under the influence of tequila, the ones who immediately "got" me, the ones who made time to get to know me.  I am always in awe of this sisterhood, this sorority of Romancelandia.  That doesn't mean that there weren't those who got snippy or had bad table manners or tried to put me in my newbie place. Yeah, yeah, whatever. You do you. I do me. And I choose to celebrate talented writers and inspiring women. I choose to smile at everyone and drink with anyone who asks.

Me and the ever-awesome Sarah Maclean

Me and the ever-awesome Sarah Maclean

I love Susanna Kearsley so much. If I ever move to Canada in November *cough* I want to live on her street.

I love Susanna Kearsley so much. If I ever move to Canada in November *cough* I want to live on her street.

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I finally got to tell Diane Kelly, the president of RWA, how she was the first person to welcome me to DARA and tell me she thought my vampire lawyer book sounded really good (let's just say this shows how warm and supportive she is).  I got to tell Sarah Wendell how I talk to her in my head and that she sounds sexier in real life (I don't think she reported me to the police.) There were so many other awesome moments and so many new friends, I just can't list them all.  Check out my social media and that of Alexandra Haughton, Julia Kelly and Alexis Anne for more fun pics of our adventures (and late night videos!.)

Chapter Four- the Happily Ever After

I left #RWA16 leaving uplifted and convicted (and almost 7k words written - whoop!).  Most importantly, my tribe is stronger than ever.  And even though I feel a leeetle like Margot Blythe when I say this, isn't that the best kind of happy ending?

Epilogue - the Cruel Cliffhanger

If you want to know the story of the man in the tighty whities pictured above, I'll be posting it in my next newsletter, along with some really fun giveaways and promos and book news, as always.  Sign up here to get the scoop!

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