The 2019 All Purpose Gift Guide

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The 2019 All Purpose Gift Guide

Stocking Stuffers/ White Elephant/ For Everyone, Young and Old!

It’s baaaa-ack! 

Here’s this year’s version of the super-convenient, pretty-affordable, Prime-ready, one-stop shopping list. Almost everything on this list has been tested/ approved by me or someone close to me.  Enjoy!

For the person in your life who’s almost ready to bite the Botox bullet but also wants to try all the miracle products first:

Snail Mucin

For the brilliant coworker who spaces out in meetings but somehow pulls it all together in the end:

Visual notebook

For the neighbor who had their Christmas lights turned on November 1:

Christmas Lights charger

For your friend who hibernates from November to March:


For the uber organized traveler who shows up three hours before flights and still prints out travel documents:

Multi charger

For new parents who are too busy to finish a cup of coffee before it cools off:

The picture is of this nice copper but that seems to be going in and out of stock, so the link below is for a black one. FYI.

The picture is of this nice copper but that seems to be going in and out of stock, so the link below is for a black one. FYI.


For the proto-hipster who insists on sleeping with their phone outside their bedroom because of electro-magnetic-whatevers but spends the other 18 hours a day scrolling…:


Blue light glasses

For the nieces/ nephews when you forget how old they are/ don’t know what they like :

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Mechanical color pencils

For the fashionista who has everything, darling:

Airpod case

For the prepper/ parent/ crafter that needs to corral their stuff but also make it look good on Instagram:


For everyone, seriously:

For the freelancer who spends 10 hours a day at their desk:


For the teenager who thinks she likes Bob Ross because it’s ironic but secretly loves feeling comforted in a world of strife and turmoil:

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Bob Ross Mug

For the person who would rather cook at home than put their nice bag on the bathroom/ restaurant floor:

Purse hook

For the hyperactive child/adult who always needs to move:


And if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, check out some of my other lists!

2018 Gift List
Hygge List

Winter Beauty list

If I don’t get a chance to see you in person, I hope with all of my heart that you are able to celebrate whatever holiday makes your heart happy with whoever makes you laugh and brings you peace.

See you in 2020!

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Some links on this page may be affiliate links, which means I could receive a few coins for posting them. As always, thank you for your support and encouragement!