
(Mostly) Non-Political Books for a Political Time

So… it’s 2024. A Presidential election year in my country, the US of A.

Everyone has opinions, everyone has feelings.

I got it. This isn’t really one of those blog posts.

Since I was in high school, I’ve read political memoir/ non-fiction from a purely educational/ informational place.

If you, like me, are interested in “political history” but not really wanting politics, I wanted to share my favorite recommendations that give insight into how the presidential elections and the White House work.

I can’t promise that there’s NO politics in these books (and I don’t know everyone’s preferences) but I can promise that these are MOSTLY as nonpolitical as memoir/non-fiction about the White House can get…

The Residence - Kate Anderson Brower

First Women - Kate Anderson Brower

Game Change - John Heileman & Mark Halperin

Who Thought This Was a Good Idea - Alyssa Mastromonaco

I’ll Take Your Questions Now - Stephanie Grisham

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