A monthly roundup of things that give me life...
I'm obsessed... (5)
I'm obsessed with CHANGING MAGIC FOOT PEELING SHOES. I think there are several Asian skincare brands that make versions of these. I've bought this one at Ulta but they're available at Amazon, too.
Now, I know you're not convinced by the sheer genius of a product called CHANGING MAGIC FOOT PEELING SHOES, and waiting patiently for me to explain it. It's an acid sheet mask for your feet. In bootie form. You wrap them around your feet, wait an hour, rinse off and then....
Nothing happens for about four days. Then all the skin on your feet begins to peel off.
Yeah, it's not pretty. There's a reason why I'm showing you a picture of the package, with a bauble and my kindle. If you REALLY want to see what your peeling feet are going to look like, there are pictures you can google. And while it's not pretty, when the process is done four or five days later, you will have the softest, most beautiful feet of your life. Your spa pedicure cannot compare with the CHANGING MAGIC FOOT PEELING SHOES. I'm obsessed.
And #protip: Plan to do this when you don't have to wear sandals for 10 days or so. Trust me, it's worth it.
I'm obsessed... (6)
Everyone and their dog are wearing LulaRoe leggings. All the cool writers are doing it. I went to a party with my friend this summer, bought a few pair, and now, I'm styling leggings like this:
And the ones I have on today (LIONS. UNICORNS!)
They can only be bought through "consultants" and if you haven't already been bombarded with Facebook invites for pop-up parties, leave me a note and I'll let you know the best groups to join.
I'm obsessed... (3)
Tea & morning pages - my ritual.
I don't know how it happened, but I settled back into a tea routine in the last month. I love a good cup of coffee but I don't make good coffee at home, no one else drinks it (the hubs is caffeine-free. I know. He's a freak) and I don't have the energy to try new coffee methods. My favorite tea is an organic blend that's readily available and it's comforting and tasty. As the temperatures drop, I'll be drinking tea non-stop I know, so I'd love to hear your favorite brands/ types!
I'm obsessed... (2)
If you have kids, you have to check this podcast out. Eleanor Amplified is an old-school radio adventure featuring a plucky reporter who has to keep saving the world. You can tell it's produced by people who have kids because each episode is a kid-friendly length (about 12 minutes), just enough time to distract the goobers while running to the store or on the school run.
I'm obsessed... (1)
The hubs and I love to curl up and watch Netflix shows but after we finished House of Cards earlier this year we found ourselves in a bit of a funk. We couldn't find a show that we both could get into until Narcos came into our lives. I wouldn't say it's the greatest written show on Netflix, but as a former Latin American Studies major (I'll take fun facts about Lindsay for $100, Alex), I love this look into Columbia's history (and I can practice my Spanish). It's got enough violence and bad guy stuff for the hubs to stay interested and it's got intense Pedro Pascal (above) (also known as the late, great Oberyn Martell on Game of Thrones) for me to stay interested. All in all, a hit for the Emory marriage. Yay.
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