lindsay emory

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Best Books to Read Now - Creative #HBIC Edition

I've been wanting to do this edition of Best Books to Read Now for a while now. So voila! Here is my list of the nonfiction books about creativity and writing that I love and, in some cases, refer to again and again.  

****UPDATED in 2019!****

About Creativity...

The Artisan Soul - Erwin Raphael McManus  - comes at creativity from a Christian/ religious persepective

Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert  - I also highly recommend the podcast by the same name. Not a Christian perspective but definitely some #woowoo there.

About being an HBIC...

The Pro Writer Mindset - Jennifer Blanchard - practical advice on goals, writing and business. Loved this.

The Desire Map - Danielle LaPorte -  I recommend this one and/or The Pro Writer Mindset when you need some concrete advice on how to get where you want to get.  The Desire Map is a little more woowoo but there's some great stuff on affirmations and visualization in The Pro Writer Mindset too.

Dear Writer, You Need to Quit - Becca Syme - I highly recommend Becca’s Better Faster Academy courses to every writer I meet (she’s my writing/life coach/guru) but this book is a nice introduction to her methods and madness and empowers you to make the best choices that work for you. (Check out my Women With Books episode interviewing Becca for more information.)

The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women - Valerie Young - a good and empowering read about conquering your imposter syndrome

You are a Badass at Making Money - Jen Sincero - really, any of Jen Sincero’s books help you HBIC level up, but this one’s my favorite because cha-ching.

Atomic Habits - James Clear - I’ve decided that most productivity books don’t really apply to most multi-tasking women but this one actually spoke to me and I recommend it all the time.

About Writing and Marketing...

Romancing the Beat - Gwen Hayes - a concise, easy to read guide on how to plot a romance novel

Save the Cat - Blake Snyder  - I'm a disciple of this storytelling method. It doesn't click for everyone but once you see stories through a Save the Cat lens, you'll never go back.

Writing the Cozy Mystery - Nancy J. Cohen - another great, concise and practice guide to writing a popular genre

Your A Game - Damon Suede and Heidi Cullinan - about promotion and marketing and how different personality types can approach it.

Newsletter Ninja - Tammy Labrecque - the ultimate bible on how to build and engage the most powerful marketing tool; a newsletter

And now you really want to know... what in the blazes is an HBIC?





That's right. We're taking back the B-word.

It's what my friends and I started calling ourselves when we stopped and realized that (1) we really knew what we were talking about when it came to our business stuff and (2) we were stronger when we worked together and supported each other.

On a sunny Feburary afternoon, after a beautiful al fresco luncheon, we started dreaming. What if... what if more people could join our group? What if... what if we could teach and learn from each other?  What if... we took over the world?  Thus, HBIC Nation was born.

Founded by six authors (and badass business women), HBIC Nation is a place to learn, share, and grow your creative empire--plus have one heck of a good time while doing it. If you identify as an HBIC, you are welcome. 

So if you're a creative of any type, and you identify as an HBIC, you are welcomed at the party.  Come visit our Instagram, sign up for our newsletter, join our Facebook group, pour a drink and let's get to work together.

P.S. Do you love our unicorn logo?  For launch week, we're offering a discount on logo t-shirts!!!  Check it out HERE.