lindsay emory

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2025 Planning... Still

Some of my most popular posts are about my obsession continued daily use with my paper planners, specifically, my Hobonichi Cousin. At this point, I’ve used this same planner for… ten years? (Goes and checks…) (Yes, I’ve saved them all)

If you want to check out ALL of my previous planner posts, you can click here

More specifics:

My 2019 Planners as Planned
A Peek at my 2020 Planner Lineup
My 2021 Hobonichi
My 2021 Planner System
The Joy of 2022 Planning
Hobonichi Weeks v. Cousin
2024! Planning


So, what’s new in my Hobonichi Cousin for 2025?

I’ve changed up how I use some of the “special” pages.

For instance, these pages at the front. (What are they called? I don’t know)

For the past few years, I’ve tried using these pages as a habit tracker. Specifically, I had three habits that I tried to grow last year. I simplified my methods, tried to #focus, experimented with different systems of moving habits to my daily pages…. all sorts of things that I’m not doing a great job of explaining. And when I set up this year’s hobonichi, I realized if insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results… well. I needed to switch it up.

So I thought about what has worked for me in the past, and decided to just use these as a monthly goal collection area. Each month, I’ll set goals for myself, write them here and cross them off when I’m done.

What hasn’t changed? My book tracker page, ^^ up there. It’s perfect!

And I’m still using this for tracking my tv/ movie watching. I started doing this just to see how my input affected my writing but really, it’s handy to go back and see what I’ve watched when someone at a party asks, “have y’all watched anything good recently?” This is 2025. There’s a LOT of content to keep track of.

Last year I used two different pages to track my decluttering progress and my self-care activities. (After going through breast cancer, self-care hits differently for me. It’s not that I have self-care goals, exactly, but when I do something nice for myself/ my body, having a page where I can write it down, helps me remember that I can’t forsake being kind to myself.)
I have monthly and weekly decluttering tasks, so this is where I will record them. Again, it’s not like anyone is asking me at a dinner party, “have you done any good decluttering lately?” but it’s to keep me accountable. Also, this a good excuse to use these excellent stickers.

Speaking of stickers, here are the ones I chose for the cover of my Hobonichi cousin planner. I am feeling a demure champagne - fire - sword - sparkle vibe this year.

I have some other things I’m going to talk about in my January newsletter, so make sure you’re signed up for it, so you see all my 2025 planning tools and tricks! Sign up here.