lindsay emory

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Living the Minimalist Nomad Life

I’ve been obsessed with this article from the Wall Street Journal since I read it in December.

I’m a subscriber so I can’t tell if it’s behind a paywall but here’s the summary: “Widespread remote work is poised to remake the ‘digital nomad’—less backpacker in hostels, more middle-aged worker with a global hotel subscription.”

Basically, it’s about now that we all get to work from wherever, where will people go?

It talks about people traveling the world, working from Ireland one week then Jamaica the next and then Bali after that.

Then it goes further, asking, if people are doing ^^^ that, then how does that change travel? And it led me to ask, How does it change the things we own, carry with us, find valuable?

The article introduces us to “Swiss Entrepreneur” Alan Frei (who owns an online lingerie and “intimate toy” company - a detail that isn’t really relevant to anything but… wow. Interesting, right?)

Right off the bat, I got involved in Alan Frei’s life:

“Alan Frei lives the life of a backpacker. That is, all 62 of his belongings fit into a single backpack, which he carries with him as he travels and lives in different cities around the world—a total of 53 countries over the past three years.”


My first reaction was… what.

My second reaction was… that sounds kind of nice.

And then… I think I could do that.

Then the counting started.

[A little background. 2020 was a year of decluttering for me. I had planned to do this before the pandemic and the pandemic only exacerbated my feelings of “ew why am I keeping all this crap that I don’t even use.” So the concepts of minimizing, streamlining, sustainability, only choosing the things that gave me joy, etc. were already being practiced around here.]

I couldn’t help myself from imagining… what would I carry with me in a single suitcase as I flitted from hotel to hotel? (And now that I write this out, I must recognize the EXTREME fantasy of this. In the midst of a pandemic, I myself personally WOULD NEVER but BOY… would I love to? After being basically in my house 90% of the last 11 months? A thousand times yes.)

First off. I would need to pack the essentials.

(1) Toothpaste. (2) Toothbrush.

I could use hotel soaps, but I really like to bring (3) my own special washcloth. And I’m a curly headed person and hotel shampoos and conditioners are not great, so I’d have to have my own (4) shampoo, (5) conditioner and (6) some type of hair product. Currently, I switch between like, six, but for purposes of this fantasy experiment, I’m sure I could find the perfect all-in-one suitable-for-all-climes styling cream.

(7) Deodorant.

(8) A razor. <—- Sidebar. Do you think this guy counts razors in his 62 items? Or is that something he buys at each place and then leaves behind?

(9) Face wash. (10) Face cream (11) Vitamin C Serum. (12) Retinol (13) Another serum.

Okay. At this point, I think it’s clear that men (or gender neutral people who don’t care about taking exquisite care of their facial skin or hair) can go far more minimalist than those of us who have a little… shall we say… upkeep.

Whatever. I will forge on. I’ll make up the numbers somewhere else, I’m sure. I’ll stop counting disposable items like razors. See?

Another side note: If I was living on the road out of one suitcase, would I have to pack my own nail clippers? Or basic meds, like Advil and antacids? Or Q-tips? Or would I just make an appointment at a nail salon every time I needed a trim? Call down to the front desk and get those little packets of pills? On the one hand, Mr. Alan Frei was very precise that he only carries 62 items with him, so I’m sure he’s thought all this out. But how much room do these things take, really?

(14) Hair tie. (15) Hair clip. I must have things to do my hair with. I’m not devoted enough to this project to cut it all off, like Mr. Alan Frei has.

And even though my makeup routine has become quite minimal in the last year, I would still need to pack a few things to make myself look presentable on zoom calls: (16) A lipstick (17) mascara (18) Concealer (19) some type of all purpose blush/ bronzer. It would have to be a cream, though, because I don’t want to use up one of my 62 items on an extra makeup brush. See? I’m totally getting the hang of this.

(20) Perfume. I love perfume. But would I get sick of just one? Maybe I could only bring one and then when I want a new scent I could bop down to the nearest Sephora and try on something for the day?

Hmm. I’m at 20 items already. 20 out of 62 is… doing the math … a significant portion of my allotted items. Will I make it?

Okay. Let’s go to office supplies. Takes deep breath.

Mr. Alan Frei uses his phone and a fold up keyboard but I am a REAL writer. I need my (21) Laptop, (22) Mouse, (23) phone (24) headphones.

Question: Does Mr. Alan Frei (and why am I calling him Mister? I don’t know, it just feels right.) count charging cords in the 62 items? And those things you have to plug in to convert electricity? Gah. I’m going to count them. Let’s say that takes me up to (25) (26) (27) and (28) for various tech supplies. (And does he count cases in this list? I’m starting to stress out at the idea of no organizing pouches or protective cases. I’m going to assume they’re included… What heathen would pack nice headphones without a protective case?)

(29) Bluelight glasses.
(30) Notebook
(31) Planner
(32) Pen
(33) Highlighter
(34-36) Backup Pens
(37-39) Backup Highlighters. (Y’all know me. I write and I plan and I blog about both. What do you want from me.)

(40) Kindle. Duh.

Holy crap. I’m going to be a naked digital nomad if I don’t start including clothes.

(41) sneakers (I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to RENT shoes like Mr. Alan Frei.)
(42) slippers (I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to walk around airplanes and strange hotel rooms without something cozy on my feet.)
(43) I guess… some other type of shoe? Rainboot? OMG WHERE AM I GOING, anyway? WHAT IF I NEED A STURDY SET OF WELLIES.

(44- -

This is where I think I have to stop this particular fantasy. Because I’m mentally moving on to underwear and bras and trying to decide if I really need to wear them and wondering how often I can not do laundry and…


I haven’t even gotten to shirts, pants, a sweater (just ONE?!), pajamas, workout clothes, a light jacket, a heavy jacket, a watch, or a spare set of earrings, sunglasses, a discreet yet designer purse or a reusable stainless steel water bottle. Or a small selection of nice essential oils and my favorite crystal and a few bags of a pick me up tea. And I forgot about sunscreen!!! (Goes to show how indoors-y I am now, right? But I couldn’t travel to Phuket without some sunscreen.)

I think of myself as fairly minimalist and I often pride myself on being a good packer but if I’m living permanently out of hotel rooms, then I would want to do it in a sustainable, hygienic way then… yeah. I’m going to need a sufficient amount of clean underwear and a few small luxuries.

But the idea…

Oh the idea of it.

Of throwing together a bag and running away for a year or two… maybe …

Maybe I could give up cute hair for that escape.

Would you?

And where will we go first?