lindsay emory

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Four Simple Tools to Achieve Hygge

Hygge… that Danish buzzword is exactly what I’m craving this time of year. Simplicity, good company, warmth, coziness.

These hygge favorites of mine are probably pretty basic, but I never said I was complicated… much.

1 Something warm on the stove… or in the Instant Pot.

I’m pretty much the queen of soups, stews and chilis. It takes a lot of practice to be as good as me, but you can strive to achieve my level of soup-tasticness with an instant pot. I was converted last year and I use it at least once a week.

But I also love a good bubbly stew on the stove and for that, I recommend a Staub cast iron pot. Yes, Le Creuset has its adherents and I have a few of their products in my kitchen, but I like to be a little different. And you can even buy little knobs to add flair to your pot! How cute is that?

2. A 100% necessary part of the hygge home is a candle. Now, with all that soup and chili going on in the kitchen, you’ll probably just want to stick with unscented, simple candles from Ikea (shout out to Scandanavia!). But if you want to go with scented, I like a Woodwick candle for that extra-hygge crackle. Or, you might want to splurge on this Tom Ford one. Mostly because I want you to tell me what in the world this smells like.

3. Cashmere Gloves

I get cold, alright? I finally decided to pull the trigger on some cashmere fingerless gloves last winter and it made all the difference for this girl who spends a lot of time typing in a cold house.

But I also really like these. They are very reasonable, they say they’re “cashmere-like” and I like the Claire Randall Fraser thing they got going on.

Just waiting on Jaime Fraser to warm me up…

4. Slippers
What’s more cozy than warm toes-ies? (I couldn’t help myself! Sorry!)

I’m a fan of the classic Minnetonka mocassins and also straight up Smart Wool socks. Very practical and necessary and… dare I say it? Basic.

But what’s not basic? Springing for these.

Maybe Santa will remember that I had a royal romance novel come out this year…

What’s your favorite way to practice hygge? Pie? A roaring fire? A luxe blanket? Let me know!